The Hollywood Police Department K-9 unit was established in 2011, the initial cost of starting this unit was paid for out of seized drug money. Chief Hepler traveled to Texas to go to K-9 handler school and, after passing the course, he returned with K9 Abi. K9 Abi played a huge role in cleaning up the drugs in Hollywood and also made a big impact on all agencies in Jackson county. K9 Abi worked about 4 years before beginning to develop hip dysplasia and having to be retired.
Chief Hepler applied for a grant from and was accepted into the program. He went to AMK9 Academy to train with his new partner K9 Fox.
K9 Fox was a Dual Purpose Narcotics/Patrol K-9 certified through North American Police Work Dog Association and AMK9 Academy. K9 Fox passed away in 2022
The K9 Unit has grown and expanded over the years and now there are 2 K9s on the streets
K9 Athos a Dual Purpose K9 partnered with Chief Hepler
K9 Xena a Narcotics detector K9 partnered with Captain Mccarver